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NEWS News Release

Commencement of Joint Research with the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

U-Factor Co., Ltd.


U-Factor Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Hidehiro Iijima; hereinafter referred to as “U-Factor”), which aims to develop a formulation for Alzheimer’s-type dementia, has begun a joint research project with the Molecular Function Applications Research Group, Cell and Molecular Biotechnology Research Department of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) (Tokyo Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Kazuhiko Ishimura). This joint research, starting on August 1, 2021, focuses on elucidating the mechanisms of the culture supernatant derived from dental pulp stem cells of deciduous teeth, which is being developed by U-Factor.


Exterior of the lab housing U-Factor's cell culture research facility

Photo 1: Exterior of the lab housing U-Factor’s cell culture research facility


1. Background

The human body is composed of approximately 37 trillion cells. These cells are continually being replaced and can be damaged due to injuries, diseases, and aging. The special cells known as stem cells are responsible for repairing damaged cells. Stem cells possess the remarkable ability to differentiate (transform) into various cell types and regenerate themselves. Recent research has revealed that the culture supernatant secreted when culturing stem cells contains thousands of growth factors. By utilizing this supernatant, it is possible to promote the regeneration of cellular tissues within the body, offering treatment effects comparable to those of stem cell transplantation therapy.


2. Overview of the Joint Research

This joint research utilizes the stem cell culture supernatant derived from dental pulp of deciduous teeth, developed by Professor Minoru Ueda, Emeritus Professor at Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, who is a leading expert in stem cell culture supernatants and a director at U-Factor. U-Factor will provide the stem cell culture supernatant, and AIST will conduct various basic studies on its mechanisms and clinical research applications. The stem cell culture supernatant derived from dental pulp is expected to have a more substantial effect in activating the body’s stem cells, as it contains a higher concentration of growth factors compared to other mesenchymal stem cell-derived supernatants.



3. Future Plans

Over the coming years, we aim to industrialize stem cell culture supernatants through ongoing research. Through this joint research, U-Factor will focus on developing new drugs to address Alzheimer’s-type dementia and various unmet medical needs. There are numerous diseases for which effective treatments have not yet been established, and we plan to verify the safety and efficacy of stem cell culture supernatants for these conditions.

Note 1: Dental Pulp Stem Cell Culture Supernatant Derived from Deciduous Teeth
This is a supernatant obtained during the cell culture process, containing a large number of bioactive substances and extracellular matrix secreted by stem cells. It was first discovered in the world by Professor Minoru Ueda, Emeritus Professor at Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, in 2011. Traditionally, regenerative medicine has relied on the direct transplantation of stem cells into the affected areas of the body. However, the discovery of stem cell culture supernatants has overturned this conventional approach, offering treatment effects comparable to those of stem cell transplantation.


Note 2: Unmet Medical Needs
Unmet medical needs refer to the strong demand for pharmaceuticals and medical treatments for diseases where effective treatment methods have not yet been established.


4. Company Profiles

U-Factor Co., Ltd.
Established: March 2020
CEO: Hidehiro Iijima
Location: 4-8-1 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Business Description: Our mission is to create treatments for Alzheimer’s-type dementia and to realize a society free from Alzheimer’s disease. We are engaged in the basic research and formulation of stem cell culture supernatants derived from dental pulp of deciduous teeth, developed by Professor Minoru Ueda, Emeritus Professor at Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine.


National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Molecular Function Applications Research Group, Cell and Molecular Biotechnology Research Department
We are focused on establishing precise control technologies for cell functions and protein expression, and advancing their applications and practical use.


5. Contact Us

U-Factor Co., Ltd. Public Relations Department
TEL: +81-3-5357-1580