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We have invented a new culture supernatant in collaboration with AIST

U-Factor Co., Ltd., a Drug Discovery Venture Focused on Developing Therapeutics Using Stem Cell Culture Supernatant, Invents New Supernatant in Collaboration with AIST

– A Significant Step Toward the Formulation of Stem Cell Culture Supernatant-Based Therapies –

U-Factor Co., Ltd. (headquartered in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Hidehiro Ijima, hereinafter referred to as “U-Factor”), a drug discovery venture company aiming to formulate therapeutics targeting intractable diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease using Deciduous Tooth Pulp Stem Cell Culture Supernatant, has announced the invention of a new type of culture supernatant through joint research with Senior Principal Researcher Yuji Teramura at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST, Tokyo Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, President: Kazuhiko Ishimura, hereinafter referred to as “AIST”). A patent application for this new culture supernatant has been filed.

U-Factor’s Commitment to Formulating Supernatant-Based Therapies for Various Unmet Medical Needs*

In a joint research project spanning approximately two years since August 2021, U-Factor successfully developed a supernatant with enhanced cell activation properties compared to conventional stem cell culture supernatants. This breakthrough represents a crucial development toward the practical application of the supernatant as a therapeutic formulation. U-Factor has filed a patent application for this new culture supernatant, which is classified as a “Cell Activator.”

Moving forward, U-Factor will focus on developing therapeutic drugs for various diseases using this newly developed culture supernatant.

Patent Details:

Invention Title: Cell Activator
Applicant: U-Factor Inc.
Inventors: Ujing Shu, Keigo Hori (both from U-Factor), Yuji Teramura, Yoshio Oba, Akiko Kuramochi (all from AIST)
Application Number: Patent Application No. 2023-086930
Filing Date: May 26, 2023

What is Deciduous Tooth Pulp Stem Cell Culture Supernatant?

This supernatant is obtained during the cultivation of stem cells and contains a large amount of cytokines (proteins with physiological effects) secreted by the stem cells. It was first discovered in 2011 by U-Factor’s Director and Professor Emeritus Minoru Ueda of Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine. Traditionally, regenerative medicine has relied on the direct transplantation of stem cells into the body. However, the discovery of the stem cell culture supernatant has revealed that it can offer therapeutic effects similar to those of direct stem cell transplantation, thereby overturning previous assumptions.

Illustration of the Deciduous Tooth Pulp Stem Cell Culture Supernatant Purification Process

*Unmet Medical Needs
Unmet medical needs refer to the strong demand for pharmaceuticals and medical treatments for diseases where effective treatment methods have not yet been established.

About U-Factor Co., Ltd.

U-Factor Co., Ltd.
Established: March 2020
CEO: Hidehiro Ijima
Headquarters: 4-8-1 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Business: U-Factor is focused on developing therapeutics for Alzheimer’s disease using Deciduous Tooth Pulp Stem Cell Culture Supernatant, with the mission of realizing a world free of Alzheimer’s disease. The company is engaged in fundamental research and formulation of this supernatant, developed by Professor Emeritus Minoru Ueda.

Contact Us
U-Factor Co., Ltd.
Phone: +81-3-5357-1580