Seeking Research Partners

NEWS News Release

Yuji Teramura has been selected to receive the 2024 Japan Society for Biomaterials Award (Science).

Announcement of Yuji Teramura’s Selection for the 2024 Japan Society for Biomaterials Award (Science)

We are pleased to announce that Yuji Teramura, who has been conducting joint research with our company, has been selected to receive the 2024 Japan Society for Biomaterials Award (Science). This prestigious award is granted to researchers recognized for their original and outstanding achievements in the fields of biomaterials science and technology, with an expectation of future contributions from an international perspective. The official award date is scheduled for the end of October 2024.

Recipient’s Comment

“I am deeply honored to receive the Japan Society for Biomaterials Award. The results of this research were built together with many researchers and collaborators, and I will continue to pursue further contributions to the field of biomaterials.”
– Yuji Teramura

                                                                        Our Company’s Comment
“We are truly honored by this award, and we offer our heartfelt congratulations. This recognition serves as additional motivation for our joint research, bringing us one step closer to realizing our vision of ‘a world where everyone can choose regenerative medicine, and a world free from intractable diseases.'”
– Hidehiro Iijima, CEO


This award not only contributes to the success of our joint research with Mr. Teramura but also serves as further motivation for our ongoing research and development efforts. We ask for your continued attention to our initiatives, and we will continue to pursue new challenges in collaboration with outstanding researchers.

Company Profiles

[U-Factor Co., Ltd.]
Established: March 2020
CEO: Hidehiro Iijima
Location: 4-8-1 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
[National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Molecular Function Applications Research Group, Cell and Molecular Biotechnology Research Department]
We are focused on establishing precise control technologies for cell functions and protein expression, and advancing their applications and practical use.