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NEWS News Release

U-Factor Co., Ltd., a Drug Discovery Venture Focused on Developing Therapeutics Using Stem Cell Culture Supernatant, Launches Second Phase of Ophthalmic Disease Research in Collaboration with Keio University School of Medicine

Collaboration to Study the Protective Effects on Retinal Ganglion Cells in Glaucoma

U-Factor Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Hidehiro Ijima, hereinafter referred to as “U-Factor”) has signed a joint research agreement with the Department of Ophthalmology at Keio University School of Medicine (Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; Lecturer: Masatoshi Hirayama, Specially Appointed Assistant Professors: Shota Shimizu, Mari Sato) to investigate the protective effects of U-Factor solution, a deciduous tooth pulp stem cell culture supernatant, on retinal ganglion cell damage, which is one of the causes of glaucoma.

1. Background

Since February 2022, U-Factor has been conducting fundamental research on dry eye using its proprietary U-Factor solution. As a result, a patent application for a dry eye treatment was filed in August 2023. The company is currently in discussions with the PMDA and is advancing towards commercialization. During this collaborative research, the potential of U-Factor solution was discovered, leading to the initiation of joint research into its use as a treatment for glaucoma.

2. What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of visual impairment in Japan and is particularly significant in the context of an aging society. A large-scale epidemiological study reported that the prevalence of glaucoma among Japanese individuals over 40 years old is approximately 5%, or one in 20 people. Glaucoma results from damage to the optic nerve, which is responsible for transmitting visual signals to the brain, leading to visual field defects (Suzuki Y, et al. Ophthalmology 2006). The nerve damage in glaucoma is typically progressive and irreversible, making it difficult to recover lost visual function. Current treatments for glaucoma focus on lowering intraocular pressure through medication or surgery to slow its progression. However, this study will explore the direct neuroprotective effects of U-Factor solution as a potential new treatment option.

3. What is U-Factor solution?

U-Factor solution is a highly purified culture supernatant obtained through U-Factor’s proprietary technology during the cultivation of stem cells. It contains a large number of cytokines (proteins with physiological effects) secreted by the stem cells. The efficacy of this solution was first discovered by U-Factor’s Director and Professor Emeritus Minoru Ueda of Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine and colleagues (M Ueda, et al. Neurosci 2015). U-Factor solution, further refined and purified through advanced methods, holds significant potential in terms of safety and efficacy.

4. Overview of the Research

In this joint research, U-Factor solution will be provided to the Department of Ophthalmology at Keio University School of Medicine to conduct various fundamental experiments related to glaucoma. Building on the knowledge and experimental results obtained from the dry eye research, the study aims to evaluate the efficacy of U-Factor solution as a treatment for glaucoma, for which there is currently no effective treatment. A patent application is planned for the coming years based on the research findings.

Research Entity Role in Research
U-Factor – Providing necessary funding and U-Factor solution
Keio University School of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology – Planning and setting the research theme
– Execution of the research operations

About U-Factor Co., Ltd.

Established: March 2020
CEO: Hidehiro Ijima
Headquarters: 1st Floor, ESCALIER Rokubancho, 7-11 Rokubancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Business: U-Factor aims to develop therapeutics for intractable diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease using U-Factor solution. The company is committed to addressing unmet medical needs by developing new drugs for diseases for which no effective treatments currently exist.
About Keio University School of Medicine
Established: 1917
Dean: Takashi Kanai
Headquarters: 35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
5. Contact Us
U-Factor Co., Ltd.
Public Relations Department
TEL: +81-3-5357-1580